Saturday, July 31, 2010

Clash of the Titans and some crap!

Watched Clash of the Titans - a Swords and Sandals epic which lies somewhere between Troy and 300. Kraken was the piece of cake and so were the mythical creatures.
Revelation: All Greek Gods are womanizers and the seemingly good Gods are in fact the bad guys. Zeus was on a globe-trotting one-night stand spree, impregnating women on earth and tricked Hades to the depths of the underworld. Remember, Hades is always portrayed as the bad guy in Greek epics as he tries to take revenge on his brother Zeus who cheated him by denying him his seat at Mount Olympus a.k.a Heaven! How idiotic is that! Isn't Hades doing what all of us with some self-respect left in us would do when backstabbed? He is trying to get back what is rightfully his. Now how is that evil?
The story on Medusa's origin was indeed sympathetic and another example on how wayward the Greek Gods are. Poseidon, the God of the Seas, brutally raped Medusa when she was a beautiful young woman and he gave way to his urge right inside the Temple of Athena. Medusa pleaded to the Goddess to save her and Athena didn't bother at all. Instead, she turned the hapless woman into a Gorgon and that too once Poseidon was done with his hunger. How considerate! Athena's explanation for her "blessing" - she regarded it as the finest way to save Medusa from men! Medusa went on to be known by the monstrous form from then.

Now tell me - Who are the good guys and who are the bad guys?

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