General Lee was the car to have if your daily schedule included leaving cop cars in the dust, jumping over practically anything which blocked your path and the frequent brushes with fellow road users. Giving the car ahead a nudge had never been easier and fun filed before the arrival of Lee.
Fortunately the makers of the movie didn’t mess with the car much. A few minor changes were there, but not so much to mar the Lee of its trademark look. The boys still had to jump into the car via the windows, had that massive roll cage and had the Confederate flag on the roof. The movie had some really outrageous and at times ridiculous chase scenes. To be honest, the car spent as much time airborne as it stuck to tarmac. Regardless of the mindless nature of the stunts, they were thrilling by all means. A total of 24 cars were used while filming. The cast comprised of Seam William Scott, Johnny Knoxville, Burt Reynolds and Jessica Simpson
The movie was panned by critics and was nominated for the Raspberry Awards in seven categories. Who cares!
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