Friday, April 17, 2009

Speed breaker : Radiator Springs...a surprise

A blown radiator, an over-heating engine, wayward wipers, unprecedented rains, all these pretty much summed up this year’s trip to Vagammon on Good Friday. Life has never been so much cruel to us. It was midnight; barely half way into the journey, the radiator gave up. The war veteran Amby, all of 40 years of age had given us all signs of retirement way back in the past. This was the final nail on that well deserved coffin.

We have climbed the Kurishumala peak before with the same car dropping us off at the foot of the hill. Not so trust worthy even then. Some how the clockwork functioned in miraculous ways to allow us to visit this famous pilgrim centre.
Situated on the foothills of the Western Ghats, the place is an anthill during the holy week. Thousands flock in for the Way of the Cross climb. The 2 hour ascend is an experience in itself. Add a bit of rains and mist; you have the semi-tough guy trek at hand.

They say that when everything else on the car makes more noise than the horn, then it’s time to ditch the car in the dumpster. Words of wisdom. But sometimes they fall on deaf ears. Moving on, there were times in this trip when the engine bay emitted more smoke than the tailpipes of an entire fleet of State maintained buses. Frequent stops to cool the engine kicked the timeframe of the journey from 2 hours to 5 hours. Serious thoughts of retrofitting a water tank in addition to the diesel tank crossed our minds. Rain Gods blessings came in the form of strong showers. With wipers which had the obedience of a kindergarten kid, night-driving turned into Marco Polo mode. In simple words, no idea of what lay ahead of us.

But for a visual feast like the ones in the images, was it worth it? Totally!!! If the images don’t impress you, then that’s probably because my expertise in photography isn’t exceptional. Sometimes, images just don’t do justice to the beauty of the subject. J

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