The vastness of outer space has not been seen or measured by the best technology available with us right now. We have limited knowledge on the planets in our solar system and the universe. Based on that limited knowledge we pass judgments and follow guesses. Educated guess is a nice-sounding usage in this context. Those educated guesses have told us that there are thousands of solar systems out there, each comprising of stars and planets. So can't atleast one of those planets have intelligent life forms?
Aliens is a term which is so much cliched nowadays. But let me use that word. Just like we send out probes to find more on other planets, just like we collect samples form other planets, can't aliens too drop in on planet Earth to study it more? Wouldn't they be as curious as us to study the dominant species on the planet, efforts of which are better known as alien abductions? Why do we find it hard to believe that we are not the only inhabitants of this universe? Proof is required to support this statement. But isn't it not just unfair but also a stupid move from us not to give it a chance of probability? That too at a time when we have evidence which hints life on some celestial bodies in our vicinity.
To all those who are still find it difficult to believe, let me remind you that five hundred years ago everyone found it difficult to believe that the earth was spherical. Lucky for them, they aren't alive to shamefully take back the idea which they followed blindly. When Galileo suggested that the sun was at the centre and the Earth revolved around it, he was subject to trial and was condemned by the Church and the society. Do we have to be referred to in history as the stubborn society which despised and neglected chances and probabilities?
The image above is one of the most recognised posters of all time. Followers of the X-Files TV series will be familiar with the poster from Agent fox Mulder's office wall. I guess, the image puts things in perspective more than any words could ever do.
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