I couldn’t catch a show on the first day, though that had been my intention since the day I knew that the 2007 blockbuster would have a sequel. So I opted for the next best shot – second day’s first show. 10 minutes late, thanks to the traffic and I missed the amazing Shanghai battle sequence plus the opening credits. Show-goers remarked that I had missed an awesome fight, especially Sideswipe slicing Sideways in half. Had seen it in trailers, but missed it on the big screen. So I’ll be watching the movie once more or may be twice more. Yes, I do understand the twitching eyebrow. But sample this reasoning, it’ll be another two or three years before we get to see these bots in action again. 2011 or may be 2012 is being considered as a prospective release date for the third movie. So I have plenty of time to relax my ear drums after the three-time watch.
I’ll key in my thoughts post the “three times the charm” antic.
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