Old footage – Come on Michael, you get millions as budget and you can’t shoot some new scenes instead of stuffing in footage which we have already seen in your previous flicks? We have seen that same aerial shot of the US Navy fleet in Pearl Harbour, Armageddon, and Transformers. Adding a dozen CGI protoforms to the visual doesn’t make it any different. Call Pentagon. They’ll be glad to help you out. After all, you are the unofficial advocate of the US military. We know that you have their number on speed dial. Use it.
This isn’t over yet. What about the VFX shots carried over from the first movie? The Autobot arrival visuals in TF1 stepped in to show the arrival of Decepticons in TF2. The shot of the Predator UAV from the first movie made its way too. Where the hell is all that money going? $200 million is no small sum.
Perverted Wheelie – The R/C truck lookalike starts off as a perverted Decepticon and ends up as a “licensed to be a pervert” Autobot. He is too much obsessed with Megan Fox and as the movie progresses she seems to like him too. That includes the way he holds on to her legs with his spoilt mind busy at work. I opted for a more decent way of putting across what he actually did. If the impact of that statement on the reader isn’t convincing, then I’d say, watch the movie and you’ll comprehend with utmost clarity.
Skids’ gold teeth – I haven’t got complaints of racism and stereotyping when it comes to Skids and Mudflap. So what if they speak like the hip-hop crowd? It isn’t that bad. But the gold teeth took things a bit too far.
Shia Labeouf’s constant screaming – Once you get out of the theatre, you’ll remember a few lines from the movie. But more than any of them, the ones that you will remember with vivid imagery will be Labeouf screaming out “Optimus” and “BumbleBee”. It sounds cool once or twice. But we can’t take it all along. All right, he needs the Autobots when the bad company turns up in full force and with the frequency with which explosions happen around him, he has to scream. But it gets on our nerves after a while.
Megan Fox running in slow motion – This is not a TV series on lifeguards with perfect bodies. This is not Bay Watch and that means there is no urgent need of a hottie running in slow motion and that too in the middle of a war. By the way, the ladies will be very keen to know which brand of lip stick Megan Fox used while filming. No matter what she does, it still shines like wet paint. If a full blown battle in the middle of a desert can’t rob the lip gloss of its shine, the fairer sex may be very much interested in buying it even if it costs a king’s ransom.
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